New Face of December: Vlad

December 1st, 2017

Meet Vlad, our new face of December! Vlad joined us recently at our casting and he is very determined to earn top marks from our members. As always, do let us know what do you think of our new model and what exercises do you recommend for him. You can suggest some of our regular […]


November in Fitcasting: New Member Ideas Tested on Ivan

November 14th, 2017

November on will be full of hard workouts, lots of posing and flexing. We keep pushing Dima double time in Posing Workout and also in Stress Position Workout. Ruslan, AJ and Pavel will also have a chance to show themselves off in our popular stress position routine. Philipp will complete his 25 Challenge in […]


New Face of November: Meet Daniel

November 9th, 2017

Every month we bring at least new face to our members who can tell share their opinion of the new model. In November we are very glad to introduce Daniel who is a fitness model from Prague. Throughout he will go through the full “First Casting” session in our member section in two types of […]


Member Ideas: Double Sets Challenge

October 9th, 2017

We continue publishing the ideas that have been sent by our members. We ask you to keep the ideas coming as we really love to try them out! This idea was sent by Krizstian and it is very hard, but also efficient. Krizstian thought that our models could work out even harder: it would be […]


October at Fitcasting: Member Ideas and Stress Positions Rule!

October 6th, 2017

In our video section, we have dedicated the whole October to Stress Position Workouts and Member Ideas. We are putting out a lot of content: sometimes as much as 4 daily updates! This is because we had very busy summer and thanks to you we got a lot of good ideas that we were able […]


New Face of October: Meet Dmitry

October 1st, 2017

Our new face of October is Dmitry. He is very muscular and is not shy to show himself off. As usual, he will go through our full “First Casting” routine complete with exercises to all muscle groups designed to showcase the model’s physique, test endurance and provide a good look to our members who can then […]


Meet Lukas: Our New Discovery

September 15th, 2017

In this September we introduce two new models to our members. Meet Lukas who joined us recently for the First Casting session. Let us know what do you think of him and write us at Lukas goes through the full First Casting routine where he shows off his chest, arms, back, legs and abs […]


Problems logging in? Contact us!

September 11th, 2017

Dear members, some of you have written us that you have had problems logging in recently. Apparently, this was due to the change of server and some improvements in security. Apparently some passwords are not recognised by the new firewall. If you are paying member and have problems logging in, please write us at […]


New Face of September: Meet Philipp

September 10th, 2017

Finally! After so many preview photos and questions from our members and fans, we are ready to publish the First Casting of Philipp! Philipp is a professional model and he definitely brings the aesthetics and physique that we are looking for in He is going through the full “First Casting” session with us. The […]


Dima in 13-Minute Push-up Challenge

August 14th, 2017

From today we start publishing the next full workout of Dima’s Workout Weekend. This time, we are testing a brutally hard “13 minute Push-up Challenge” sent by Richard, who likes to test our model’s strength in doing push-ups. When previous challenge at the Spanish villa was about endurance and maximum amount of push-ups, then this […]


Dima’s Summer Workout Weekend Series Starts

August 7th, 2017

We have now finished editing Dima’s long Workout Weekend with us in Spain and from Wednesday we will start publishing the series. We invited Dima to stay with us over the weekend to test some of the most brutal ideas for new workout routines sent by our members. In this weekend, we tested ideas sent […]


New face of August: Alex

August 1st, 2017

Meet Alex, our new face in August. Alex is an incredible find and we were so happy to be able to cast him. As always, we welcome your feedback: please let us know what do you think of him? Should we invite him back to more shoots? If yes, let us know what kind of […]



July 24th, 2017

It is Monday and it is time to publish yet another idea from our members. Thank you for the excellent feedback we have been receiving to the ideas. This challenge is particularly hard and challenging, probably the hardest published so far. We have not yet selected a model to go through this challenge. Maybe you […]


Ideas from Members: Core Crazy Challenge

July 17th, 2017

This amazingly simple but very difficult and brutal workout was sent to us by Jeremy. We will try this out on some of our strongest models and Ruslan seems like a good candidate. Please keep your workout ideas coming: we very much like to hear from you! Write us at   CORE CRAZY WORKOUT […]


Ideas from Members: Pec Pump Challenge

July 10th, 2017

This idea was sent to us by Jeremy and is meant for more muscled models like Mikhail. However we decided to test it also first on Ivan, who is one of the leaner models. In this challenge, the trainee’s goal is related to the appearance, not to the speed or reps completely. After the workout, […]