July will be truly hot as Dima will start his Hot Summer Special Workout. We have chosen a very special attire for this session and we hope you will like it!
Ruslan will get heavier payload to carry during brutal Cardio Workout Challenge: he is expected to beat his own time in running, jumping jacks and squats but now carrying a heavy backpack. It is enjoyable to see how Ruslan shows amazing strength and endurance in coping with the challenge. Mikhail, Efim, Yan, Justas, Lukas J and Lukas G continue their workouts that started running in June.
The new addition to the team is Ivan (on cover). On 24th of July we will start our longer series of extremely hard training sessions with this amazing model. The session will be updated daily. We decided to train Ivan thoroughly and hard. We will be using the combination of our workout routines and those recommended by our members. We have already filmed 4 workout sessions, but we expect to shoot more. We start with the posing workout where our novice team member has a chance to show off both of his strength and body. He will be wearing posing pouch for the entire session. After posing workout we will move on to more demanding workouts recommended by our members. If you have an idea on how to train Ivan more or what muscle group needs more attention, just write us at agency@fitcasting.com. The July news gallery is dedicated entirely to Ivan’s posing workout preview.
This is not all: we have another surprise in store for July! Justas is one of our most popular models, but he never went through the “first Casting Routine” required from all models. We will corrected this mistake recently and are now very glad to present you the results of this stunning session.
Ernestas is our new face of July showing himself off at the “Castings” section. Let us know what do you think of this new addition and write us agency@fitcasting.com
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