A lot of our members have written us with one question on their mind: will Alex ever get into loincloth? The answer is “yes”. And the result is breathtaking. We decided to choose the lively and exotic Animal Kingdom Workout to debut Alex in loincloth and you will not be disappointed.

The first is the Alex’s phenomenal shape. It is even better than what we have seen before. You can see how much he has developed and you will see how hard he wants to work to deliver the perfect result. Look at the animal moves Alex is imitation: there is no sloppiness, he really tries to imitate the characters he is given delivering almost perfect forms. His scorpion walk on complete handstand is a masterpiece of dedication: the boy does not care about the loincloth, he just wants to deliver a perfect result.

Of course we will keep our hardline approach and although the routine is almost perfect, and Alex will have to face the punishment workout. After the final perfect handstand we assign a severe punishment workout, consisting of series of push-ups, jumping jacks and burpees.

This may sound unfair, but this is also where it gets really interesting. Alex likes to be pushed really hard. Already during the set of burpees we start to notice that Alex’s response to his unfair punishment is very special. The final set of penalty jumping jacks is too much for Alex and the light tiny loincloth cannot conceal how much he enjoys his punishment.

Here is a short preview gallery – admire the great revealing poses the boy takes as he goes through his training and if you thought that the punishment workout was not deserved and unfair, the photos tell a completely different story. Throughout the posing session following the punishment workout you can all see how much Alex appreciates the training that he had just gone through.

This will video be one of many surprises we have to our members in December. Alex: Animal Kingdom Workout starts playing on December 25, 2018!