We are now planning a new big video shoot in February. As it is our tradition already, the shoot will take place in Thailand in the end of February. Last time, thanks to your recommendations, we created the “Animal Kingdom Workout” and “Shiiko Dachi Penalty Workout” and introduced the loincloth. We want the shoot in Thailand to be exotic and exciting also this time. And we need your help. We are toying with some ideas that have already been recommended and we publish them over coming weeks in the blog. But your ideas are always welcome – also your suggestions on the attire!

We are currently planning to develop at least 3 new workouts (but we are definitely not limited) and are looking for the ideas to fill out the 2-hour routine (with penalties). We are also planning to use 6 models – 3 experienced models and 3 completely new models who we plan to pair up.

To get your ideas flowing here are the top candidates for workout routines that we want to develop:

  • The Roman Chair Stress Workout (legs and overall strength)
  • The Rickshaw Boy Workout (cardio and stamina)
  • The Temptation of Atlas (stress, upper body and stamina)

Other ideas include:

  • The 12 Labours of Hercules (full body)
  • The Galley Slave Workout (chest, shoulders, back)
  • The Temple Boy Workout (lower abs, pelvis, kegel muscles and glutes)

Write us your ideas on how to fill out those routines or feel free to recommend a whole new routines.

Here is a preview pick of Vova being trained by Stas in Ganymede Workout for your inspiration – our new Face of February who we have also invited to the shoot in Thailand!