Happy New Year to all our members! 2019 will be even more exciting as we bring you a lot of excellent and new material. As we continue with our signature workouts we are also introducing some new ideas, thanks to the recommendations and requests of our members.

In this season we will feature a gladiator theme – series of trainings inspired by ancient Gladiator Camps. Several members found our adventure into ancient world with Ganymede challenge so exciting that new ideas kept pouring in. One theme was predominant – the Gladiator Trainings. For this season we have developed 4 special gladiator-themed workouts. The first – Gladiator Challenge you have already seen with Dmitry and Stas but several other of our top models will go through this challenge in coming year, starting with Dima and Stas on January 11. A special intro of the workout will be posted in the member section!

On 4 January 2019 we continue training Lukas – he too will go through a gladiator-themed training that focuses on his abs. We love to work Lukas’ abs and this training is by far the hardest abs workout he has ever had to endure.

Our birthday special that starts to run on 21 January will introduce our “gladiator camp” in Italy where we did most of the shooting of this theme. You will see the participants in the camp in full detail. As you can see – staying true to historic traditions we have kept the “gladiators” clothing to a minimum and introduced two completely new elements in the training: a referee or overseer (who is one of the trainees) and gut-punches and pec-punches for penalties. The latter has been requested by a lot of members and hopefully you will enjoy these new additions to our workout routines.

The other two gladiator-themed workouts will be introduced later. And also – all our other workouts will continue, but a new theme will hopefully offer some variety.

We are now planning new shoots – please please please – let us know your ideas in January so that we can incorporate them to the shoots that will take place in February! Write us at agency@fitcasting.com