Every Fitcasting Model of the Year will earn as a bonus a special video shoot over the weekend. This means extra income for the model as a motivation and prize and opportunity for our members to celebrate the body of our Model of the Year. Last year, we pushed Dima through a sets of push-up exercises, giving him an opportunity to show the limits of his strength. As you know Dima won this title for the second year in the row, so we have decided also to double his “bonus”. Instead of three workouts, we have planned to put him through SIX workouts over one weekend. This means two workouts per day. We want your ideas on how to set up the workouts and feedback to the idea that we have developed so far.

Initial idea is to have the morning training for a certain theme and afternoon training for punishment for any failures. So the weekend could look like this:

Day 1

Morning: Cardio, Legs and Glutes – 2 hrs

Afternoon: Penalty (suggestions are welcome) – 2 hrs

Day 2

Morning: Upper Body, Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Abs, Lower Abs – 2 hrs

Afternoon: Penalty (suggestions are welcome) – 2 hrs

Day 3

Morning: Posing, flexing, stamina – 2 hrs

Afternoon: Penalty (stress poses and other suggestions are welcome) – 2 hrs

To do justice to Dima’s body we believe that all workouts should be conducted without any clothes. We will also tell Dima that he is expected to show his excitement about the training throughout the weekend. But we want the workout and penalties to be hard, so we the theme we have chosen for you think about is: “Dima’s Weekend from Hell.”

Please let us know your suggestions: the video shoot is planned for November! Write us at agency@fitcasting.com