Mark is still learning his way around our stable. After finishing the Ganymede Workout, we concluded that the boy needs to pay more attention on presenting and posing. From time to time, his form in Ganymede Workout was subpar. The next day he is invited back to the same lavish living room where the boy had performed the Ganymede Workout.

He is told to wait for his punishment. We decided to show that we take proper form seriously and assigned him the “Posing Workout”, but with trainer. For two hours, the boy must practice poses and show off his body, under the careful eye of the trainer.

The trainer holds the whip. When the boy is not presenting himself properly, the riding crop lands exactly on the muscle group where the young trainee needs to pay more attention.

One exotic pose after another, the trainer does not cut any slack. Abs, chest, thighs, shoulders – nothing escapes the bite of the crop if presented even slightly wrong way.

Soon after the exercise has started, the boys abs and chest – the main target’s of the trainers fury start to turn slightly red.

The workout offers great views to the boy’s physique. Welcome to the stable, Mark!