We are now ready to announce that we will be holding the summer shoots in upcoming August. It looks like the COVID situation in some of the countries is showing some signs of improvement and travel is more manageable. We have managed to keep up our shooting schedule with limited locations and models, and had some amazing results, but the best shoots have always happened in new locations.

We can take more time, the boys can prepare their bodies and we can experiment without time pressure. Not to mention that when boys are held together for a week or 10 days they tend to focus better.

Some of you have expressed us an interest to support our shoots financially. Those of you who wish to sponsor the shoots we have a special offer.

We are looking for UP TO 5-10 sponsors (depending on the money raised) to support the shoots in exchange for the following.

If you support the shoot for:

€ 500 – get immediately after the shoot access to 5 raw, unedited, complete videos of your choice from the location plus 2 years of FC membership (only 5 sponsors will be accepted)

€ 1000 – get immediately after the shoot access to 10 raw, unedited, complete videos of your choice from the location plus 2 years of FC membership, plus 15 minute special dedication from one of our models of your choice (only 5 sponsors will be accepted)

€ 2000 – get immediately after the shoot access to ALL raw, unedited, complete videos of your choice from the location plus 2 years of FC membership, plus 2 x 15 minute special dedication from two of our models of your choice (only 2 sponsors will be accepted)

If you are interested in this option please write us at agency@fitcasting.com we will then discuss details individually.

On the picture is from the casting of a new boy we wish to explore more in our upcoming villa shoot!